What are the ingredients of the Herbal suppositories?
Herbal suppositories: Amber, Maca, Akpi seeds and various African and
desert herbs mixed with oils, camel hump fat, and pure original Amber.
Note: All products are free from any drugs, chemicals, or harmful
substances, 100% natural.
We cannot disclose all the ingredients to protect the privacy and rights of
the production.”
What are the ingredients of the White suppositories?
White suppositories: goat ghee, camel hump fat, cold-pressed oils for
weight gain, Shea butter, original African Akpi seeds…
Note: All products are free from any drugs, chemicals, or harmful
substances, 100% natural.
We cannot disclose all the ingredients to protect the privacy and rights of
the production.”
For LAHSA FILALIYA, how many boxes are needed to see results?
The results of all weight gain products vary from person to person,
depending on the body’s condition, immunity, age, etc.
We recommend that most girls use it for at least two months, following the
instructions on the LAHSA FILALIYA label Or contact us via WhatsApp.
I want to gain weight overall and also in the lower body !
al with) gain weight overall for (FILALIYA LAHSA Combine
suppositories (to enlarge the lower body).
I want to enlarge the lower body !
For the lower body (thighs / A*$$ / buttocks), We recommend Herbal
suppositories (at least two months of use) to achieve the desired and
guaranteed results and effectiveness.
Note: To accelerate the results of Herbal suppositories, it is recommended
to use protein along with the suppositories.
I want to gain weight overall !
We recommend LAHSA FILALIYA if you are suffering from Irritable bowel
syndrome or anemia. It is also necessary to use Sana & Sanot and to remove
toxic and harmful gases and deposits in the intestines and bloating in the
LAHSA FILALIYA will enhance your cheeks and chest, and it also opens up
the appetite and increases the overall body weight.
Note: To accelerate the results of LAHSA FILALIYA, it is recommended to use
protein along with it.